You are driven, tormented and passionate. You are also utterly ruthless. This is not something that your friends will spot right away, as you always come across well. You're a lively conversationalist and charming companion, always with some madcap scheme or other to keep yourself (and others) amused. But the closer people get to you, the more the unpleasant sides to your character start to become apparent.
And that seems a shame, when you've gone out of your way to win them over to your way of thinking. Turning on them just because they've blundered across your sore spots isn't exactly fair. Mind you, neither are you.
And yes, you have very good reasons to be as bitter, untrusting and vengeful as you are. It's possible you might want to consider something as boring as therapy as a way of exorcising your demons, rather than world domination. But it would be foolish to make demands of someone as easily irked as you. Plus you'd have to find a therapist that would be willing to take the job on, and with your rap sheet of universal crimes, that's no mean feat.