The pending Full Moon turns you into a visionary. Are you familiar with this aspect of yourself? You have presumably already suspected on more than one occasion that you have a connection with the higher powers because you had premonitions that proved to be true or because you foresaw or predicted something. This will get even "worse" now because this week can bring an entire spate of insights to you. You will be overwhelmed on Saturday and may not feel so good about things on Sunday. This is not really intended in a negative way but just makes clear how much you are touched and moved by what is happening right now. At best, you will experience an awakening, a special expanded state of consciousness, coupled with a great deal of love. In the second-best case, you will be a bit confused but happy.
Partnership / Love:
Mars and Venus are getting closer and closer in the sign of Leo – and get so close on the weekend that they pass the point of no return. Open up to your partner - to more intimacy and intensity. On the one hand, this is beautiful; but on the other hand, it is a little bit frightening. You can use the word happiness to describe this state since it is much more than just contentment. It has this certain something.