There is no straightforward path for a solution to current waste
problems. On one hand, the consumption of resources has been
increasing over time and hence, the generation of waste has also
been rising (Section 2). On the other hand, cities, companies and
other organizations want to realize zero waste goal despite
continuous increasing per capitawaste creation. Therefore, without
a comprehensive and strategic roadmap, the zero waste goals may
not be achieved in the desired timeframe. Here, we summarized the
zero waste researches to put forward the four requirements for
realizing the zero waste strategy: zero waste roadmap, zero waste
principles and indexes, zero waste key strategies, and the waste
management hierarchy.
There is no straightforward path for a solution to current wasteproblems. On one hand, the consumption of resources has beenincreasing over time and hence, the generation of waste has alsobeen rising (Section 2). On the other hand, cities, companies andother organizations want to realize zero waste goal despitecontinuous increasing per capitawaste creation. Therefore, withouta comprehensive and strategic roadmap, the zero waste goals maynot be achieved in the desired timeframe. Here, we summarized thezero waste researches to put forward the four requirements forrealizing the zero waste strategy: zero waste roadmap, zero wasteprinciples and indexes, zero waste key strategies, and the wastemanagement hierarchy.
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