Consider the individual for their sugar product packaging is green instead of blue, work in the long term reduce customers' attention to the product [5].
In one experiment, two groups of customers were asked to take two different models of Aquafresh toothpaste.
Ordinary toothpaste is as a model and a model of which only three colors were painted.
The firm, a group that had consumed three colors toothpaste Only 73% reported that toothpaste works best, but even claimed that their teeth appear whiter [9].
An experiment in Edinburgh by broadcasting a hundred purses in the streets of the city began.
Almost half of them were returned to their owner. More money bag containing one of the four following picture:
1. A child's smile.
2. A cute puppy
3. A happy family
4. An elderly couple elderly
Other bags were not any photos inside.
Some of the money inside a paper bag charity there.
The result was really shocking. 88% of the money bag with a picture of a child's smile was back.