5.Incorrect reporting of ABC costs with the goal of retaining both the Monarch and Regal product lines is unethical. In assessing the situation, the specific “Standards of Ethical Conduct for Management Accountants” (described in Exhibit 1-7) that the management accountant should consider are listed below.
Clear reports using relevant and reliable information should be prepared. Preparing reports on the basis of incorrect costs in order to retain product lines violates competence standards. It is unethical for Benzo to change the ABC system with the specific goal of reporting different product cost numbers that Duval favors.
The management accountant has a responsibility to avoid actual or apparent conflicts of interest and advise all appropriate parties of any potential conflict. Benzo may be tempted to change the product cost numbers to please Duval, the division president. This action, however, would violate the responsibility for integrity. The Standards of Ethical Conduct require the management accountant to communicate favorable as well as unfavorable information.
The management accountant’s standards of ethical conduct require that information should be fairly and objectively communicated and that all relevant information should be disclosed. From a management accountant’s standpoint, adjusting the product cost numbers to make both the Monarch and Regal lines look profitable would violate the standard of objectivity.
Benzo should indicate to Duval that the product cost calculations are, indeed, appropriate. If Duval still insists on modifying the product cost numbers, Benzo should raise the matter with one of Duval’s superiors. If, after taking all these steps, there is continued pressure to modify product cost numbers, Benzo should consider resigning from the company, rather than engage in unethical behavior.