As glaciers and snowfields dwindle, so does the water
supply for millions of people who are deeply reliant on
those freshwater supplies, especially for irrigated
agriculture. Similarly, sea level rise and increased
storm activitywill affect millions over this century as
rice paddies are inundated with salt water, seawater
contaminates rivers, aquifers become polluted and
populations are displaced. This will force many
millions of people to move inland, increasing the risk
of conflict
As glaciers and snowfields dwindle, so does the watersupply for millions of people who are deeply reliant onthose freshwater supplies, especially for irrigatedagriculture. Similarly, sea level rise and increasedstorm activitywill affect millions over this century asrice paddies are inundated with salt water, seawatercontaminates rivers, aquifers become polluted andpopulations are displaced. This will force manymillions of people to move inland, increasing the riskof conflict
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