“Make sure that you check and only choose the places without people to set on fire,” Weed warned. If a place where parties were hunting was set on fire and they happened to die, he could become a murderer.
“We shall devote our lives to fulfil thy command. It is a great honor that you did not forget us and entrusted this task.”
Dark Knights and monsters were piled up in the blocked passages of the underground prison.
The dry air in the passages where the monsters were became hotter and hotter.
Spittle went flying as the monsters suffered! Once the flames rose explosively from the blocked passages, they screamed in anguish as they scrambled out.
“It’s the harvest. 15 Chain Strikes!”
Weed killed every flaming monster that emerged.
Like a skilled farmer wielding a sickle, he precisely aimed for the throats, heads, and vital points of the monsters.
“This is the taste of hunting.”
Monsters fell in swathes in front of Weed. When japtem and equips dropped as monsters turned to grey light, Weed sorted the expensive ones and put them onto Yellowy’s back even in the middle of fighting. His hands moved with unparalleled business.
“Wah! That’s really ridiculous.”
“Is it even possible to hunt like this?”
The onlookers had never seen hunting like this. A normal hunting party would hunt camped out in one corner of the passage or clearing. They would also chat, make food to eat, and take breaks. If the speed of the monster appearances was slow, they would move while doing more hunting. When they did so, the party leader would entrust matters to a Thief, Adventurer, or Assassin, since they had to look for traces of monsters and chase them. Finding monsters well while considering the party members’ states was the leader’s responsibility. Therefore, knowing the geography and being aware of the characteristics of monsters while raising hunting efficiency was the standard.
However, Weed was different. His hunting range wasn’t fixed in a narrow passage or a single spot. He took the characteristic of this enormous underground prison, this dungeon, into consideration and put the entire area around him into his hunting range.
“His EXP must be rising really damn well.”
“Just look at the japtem. His hunting speed is fast so tons of items are also being dropped.”
The onlookers could only be extremely jealous!
This was a hunting method that Weed could only show because his Mana recovery speed had quickened. It was Weed’s way to fight while managing his Vitality and Mana well, but there was still an obvious limit. It was also comfortable since he took care of the tricky monsters that were daunting to deal with after Hwaryeong put them to sleep with her Seduction Dance. Thanks to Da’in having impressive skills as a Shaman, she gave very effective support in battle. His Agility increased and his Strength grew as well, enabling him to nullify the attacks of the Dark Knights more precisely. The fighting became comfortable and much easier thanks to Da’in.