An element free Galerkin method (EFGM) has been used to obtain the solution of unsteady mixed convection hydromagnetic
flow and heat transfer through porous media along a vertical stretching sheet. Few results are also compared with finite
element solution, and excellent correlation has been demonstrated between EFGM and conventional numerical FEM solutions.
The present computations have highlighted that:
(I) With an increase in the unsteadiness parameter, fluid velocity as well as temperature decreases.
(II) Both velocity and temperature decreases with the increase in suction parameter through out the boundary layer
(III) The Increase in heat source parameter and Eckert number boost up the temperature in the flow while heat sink parameter
reduces the temperature.
(IV) Skin friction decreases with the increase in unsteadiness parameter S, local porous parameter b and suction parameters
(V) The rate of heat transfer increases with an increase in unsteadiness parameter S, suction parameters k and heat sink
parameter Q (