Background / Scenario
Cisco switches have a special interface, known as a switch virtual interface (SVI). The SVI can be configured with an IP address, commonly referred to as the management address that is used for remote access to the switch to display or configure settings.
In this lab, you will build a simple network using Ethernet LAN cabling and access a Cisco switch using the console and remote access methods. You will configure basic switch settings and IP addressing, and demonstrate the use of a management IP address for remote switch management. The topology consists of one switch and one host using only Ethernet and console ports.
Note: The switches used are Cisco Catalyst 2960s with Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2) (lanbasek9 image). Other switches and Cisco IOS versions can be used. Depending on the model and Cisco IOS version, the available commands and output produced might vary from what is shown in the labs.
Note: Make sure that the switch has been erased and has no startup configuration. If you are unsure, contact your instructor.
Background / ScenarioCisco switches have a special interface, known as a switch virtual interface (SVI). The SVI can be configured with an IP address, commonly referred to as the management address that is used for remote access to the switch to display or configure settings.In this lab, you will build a simple network using Ethernet LAN cabling and access a Cisco switch using the console and remote access methods. You will configure basic switch settings and IP addressing, and demonstrate the use of a management IP address for remote switch management. The topology consists of one switch and one host using only Ethernet and console ports.Note: The switches used are Cisco Catalyst 2960s with Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2) (lanbasek9 image). Other switches and Cisco IOS versions can be used. Depending on the model and Cisco IOS version, the available commands and output produced might vary from what is shown in the labs.Note: Make sure that the switch has been erased and has no startup configuration. If you are unsure, contact your instructor.
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