After ju
st over 3 days of oliguria, M
s. Devak’s urin
e output in-
creases. By the end of the fourth day she is excreting 60 to 80
mL/hour of urine. Although her BUN, serum creatinine, and potas-
sium levels remain high, they never reach a critical point, and dial-
ysis is not required. She is transferred from the ICU on the fifth day
after admission. When Ms. Devak is able to begin eating, she is
placed on a low-potassium diet, restricted to 50 g of protein. Her
renal fu
nction gradually improves. By discharge, results of her re-
nal function studies, including BUN and serum creatinine, are
nearly normal. Ms. Devak verbalizes an understanding of the
need to avoid nephrotoxins such as NSAIDs until allowed by her