Service delivery model
The health care delivery system in Japan has three pillars that cover all people impartially;
universal health insurance coverage, a framework for health care delivery cantered on the
Medical Care Act, and public health administration and service.
“Free access” is a major characteristic in the health care delivery system in Japan; private
facilities can open hospitals or clinics if they satisfy the criteria in the Medical Care Act, patients
can choose their desired medical institution, and doctors can choose to work in the private or public
systems. Both public and private sectors provide the same health care services at the same costs.
The Prefectural Health Care Plans document the service delivery model in each prefecture. In
2006, health care system reform required these to focus on four diseases (cancer, stroke, acute
myocardial infarction and diabetes) and on providing five types of service (emergency health,
perinatal health, paediatric health, rural health care and disaster-related health).