The study of ecotourism impacts and their management offers many opportunities to reflect on the importance
of sustainability and the possibilities of implementing approaches which move us in a new direction.
Sustainability, then, is about the struggle for diversity in all its dimensions. The concern for biodiversity, in its
broadest sense, encompasses not only threatened flora and fauna, but also the survivability of these human
communities, as stewards of the natural environment and as producers. The research which adopts both
quantitative and qualitative approaches, reports on the few attempts to identify ecotourism impacts and their
management from the perspectives of all the stakeholders concerned which includes the visitors, tour
operators, accommodation outlets, local community and Park and Reserve Management. The findings of this
research therefore have implications for conservation management from the ecotourism point of view as well
as an enhanced sustainable community development in Amboseli National Park and Masai Mara National