Effects of KRG Extract on Aβ(25–35)-Induced Neuronal Cell Damage
KRG Extract Inhibits Aβ(25–35)-Induced Neuronal Damage and ROS Generation
To further characterize pharmacological actions of KRG extract in cultured neurons, we extended our study to examine the effects of this extract on the neuronal cell damage caused by exposure to Aβ(25–35), the active fragment of Aβ peptide. The viability of the cells exposed to 40 µM Aβ(25–35) for 24 h was significantly reduced to 65%, as compared to control-treated cells (Fig. 4A). KRG extract provided appreciable protection against the Aβ-induced neurotoxicity, resulting in significantly improved cell viability at 0.3 and 1 mg/mL.