Dear Shareholder As Chairman of the Board, I am committed to GSK seeking to operate to the highest standards of corporate governance. We believe that it is our governance structure that underpins our ability to deliver our strategy to grow a diversified business, deliver more products of value and simplify our operating model, and in doing so create additional long-term value for our shareholders. No less important for myself and the Board is the need to firmly embed values-based conduct and behaviour of our employees into our governance structure. We want to ensure that everything that we as a Board and our employees do is guided by our commitment to our values and to being in compliance with the local laws and regulations within which we operate. The foundations of these commitments are laid out in our Code of Conduct, which we strengthened and re-issued in January 2014, and which is available in the governance area of our website. It draws together a number of key company policy principles and provides a working guide for the way in which we apply our values across our global operations. I highlight below key corporate governance priorities that the Board has addressed during 2014.