Invite your friends. One of the key requirements for a nation—aside from territories—will be a population. If the land you conquer or build doesn't come with an indigenous people, you will have to bring your own to the party. Invite your friends and family to join you in this venture, and you will have a small, but dedicated population.
These days, if you're serious about anything (and creating a micronation can be serious, indeed), then you will have a website. Use this to find like-minded people, and give them good reason to populate your new Republic. It could be for work and money, or the freedom to have many wives, or simply the opportunity to be part of the birth of a nation.
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You will need to decide what you require of your citizens. Do they have to pass a citizenship test, or abide by certain laws? What form of identification will they need—a passport? Driver's license? Subcutaneous RFID?
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