This research aims to analyze the essence of the Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) in the eld of accounting profession in ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) that impacts the accounting profession in Thailand and to survey the knowledge and understanding of public listed rms on the agreement, as well as their attitude toward workforce mobility among countries in the AEC and the accountant’s quali cation before and after the AEC. The analysis is based on relevant documents, questionnaire and interviewing the director of accounting in companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
Overall, the research results show that most of the samples have knowledge and understanding of MRA. in the eld of accounting profession at low level. The attitude toward workforce mobility is positively oriented, and strongly agree with the workforce mobility in the accounting profession. Accounting professionals must prepare on the following issues. working experience, training or workshop of potential development, English language skill in ef ciency level. In addition, educational institutions should develop programs to be compatible for stepping into AEC. The requirements of accountant quali cations from the perspective of Thai Listed Firms in the Stock Exchange are as of following: complete Bachelor’s Degree, know Thai accounting standards, reporting standards, English language skill.