Glycation is the enemy of your skin. Saggy weak skin. Age spots. Wrinkles, blame your birtdays; looking old has very little to do with how old you are. Looking old isn't about age it's about AGE-as in advanced glycation end-products Advanced glycation end-products or AGEs are harmful compounds that attack our skin and make us look old and gross.They gather on our skin and they eat away at healthy skin cells just like rust can eat away at a car.
lf you've been paying attention to the skin care industry, chances are you've heard the term glycation before glycation is another word for age damage glycation has been described by experts in dermatology as the most significant breakthrough in skin care since the discovery of retinol. the link between sugar protein and aging has sent a shockwave through the entire skin care industry. the industry leaders are desperate to know what causes premature aging and what we can do fight it .
morinda knows what causes premature aging it's AGEs And morinda has the perfect anti -AGE skincare product AGE therapy gel