The objectives of this study are to study tourism
behaviors of Chinese tourists and expectation of Chinese tourists
towards tourism management in Bangkok. The research
methodology was a quantitative research The sample of this research
was 400 Chinese tourists in Bangkok chosen by the accidental
sampling and the purposive sampling. Inferential Statistics Analysis
by using T-test statistics to analyze means differences between 2
groups of population and F-test statistics to analyze One-Way
ANOVA. As for the results of this study the researcher found that
Chinese tourists had expectation towards tourism management in
Bangkok in term of tourism products in Bangkok at the high level
with a mean of 4.00, price at the high level with a mean of 3.86,
distribution channels/access to customers at the high level with a
mean of 3.73 and term of promotion at the high level with a mean of
3.88 historical attractions, cultural attractions, natural attractions,
cozy atmosphere, breath of air, sunlight and watercourse, as
well as nightlife entertainment that are rarely found in their
country. These makes them feel worthy. Besides travelling,
they can go shopping, buy sacred objects, eat seafood or rare
health food, such as, bird’s nest and wild animals, all of which
are inexpensive when comparing to in China.
Thai government tries to promote and build tourism image
to every group of tourists. However, internal instability and
various issues occurring with the tourists, i.e., tourist
deception, zero dollar tour, culture shock of the local
occasionally lead to a decreasing number of the tourists and
result in some reactions among the local towards the tourists.
As a result, the tourists probably feel dissatisfied and refuse to
visit Thailand again. We cannot reject the tourists because they
create a large amount of income and career opportunities [4].
Therefore, the researcher was interested in studying behaviors
and expectation of Chinese tourists towards tourism
management in Bangkok