On 21st July we will be improving PaidVerts's sustainability and ad issue frequency and size, by reducing new Bulk Ad purchases to give out 2400 BAP(120%) instead of 3100 BAp (155%) for $1 purchased.
We have gradually been working to improve this on itself slowly, but Ad issues have been limping for too long, so this change will be accompanied with a BAP reset, giving everyone a clean system,
with more frequent and bigger ad issues.
This will make PaidVerts highly attractive again - and we are starting the changes with a huge bonus for the next 7 days.
Any Bulk Ads purchased before 21st July, will still give you 3100 BAP for $1.05 purchased, and this BAP with new purchases during this time will NOT be reset on 21st July, giving everyone who buys bulk ads before 21st a big edge before the new, improved and more sustainable 120%
Bulk Ad packs are activated. Make sure to get the best possible BAP bonus before the restart by buying ad packs before 21st at https://www.paidverts.com/member/buy_BA.html
For more information about the BAP reset, additional reasons and benefits behind it, and how you can make the most out of it please read the following topic: