Thin layer chromatography and Bioautography: Silica gel plates, 10X20 cm, 1mm thick, were prepared. They were activated at 150°C for half an hour. Ten microliters of the ethyl acetate fractions and reference antibiotics were applied on the plates and the chromatogram was developed using chloroform: methanol (4:1) as solvent system. The plates were run in duplicate; one set was used as the reference chromatogram and the other was used for bioautography. The spots in the chromatogram were visualized in the iodine vapour chamber and UV chamber. Muller Hinton agar inoculated with Staphylococcus aureus was poured over the chromatogram and the plate was incubated overnight at 37°C in sterile condition. The next day the inhibition zones were noted and the Rf values of the antimicrobials were determined.