How to Avoid Acne
Acne, it can occur anywhere on the body and at any age, But you can take steps to avoid and prevent acne. First, Wash your hands before you wash your face. Washing your face is definitely important, but what's the use if your hands are oily and dirty to begin with Wash your hands before you wash your face for best results. Second, Wash your face twice a day once at night, and once during your morning routine. When you wash your face, wash it gently and with warm water. The heat will open your pores and the temperature is better suited to clean than cold water. Third, Stay out of direct sunlight. When you go outside or expect to be in the sun for a long period of time, wear some sunscreen to help block out harmful rays. Finally, try sleeping on your back as much as possible to avoid making contact between your face and your pillow.