Organizational commitment has been conceptualized and measured in various ways. The
two studies reported here were conducted to test aspects of a three-component model of
commitment which integrates these various conceptualizations. The affective component
of organizational commitment, proposed by the model, refers to employees' emotional
attachment to, identification with, and involvement in, the organization. The continuance
component refers to commitment based on the costs that employees associate with
leaving the organization. Finally, the normative component refers to employees' feelings
of obligation to remain with the organization. In Study 1, scales were developed to
measure these components. Relationships among the components of commitment and
with variables considered their antecedents were examined in Study 2. Results of a
canonical correlation analysis suggested that, as predicted by the model, the affective and
continuance components of organizational commitment are empirically distinguishable
constructs with different correlates. The affective and normative components, although
distinguishable, appear to be somewhat related. The importance of differentiating the
components of commitment, both in research and practice, is discussed