That's it!" screamed Gould. The little manager started to dance
and throw punches in the air.
"Three . . ." The referee's count continued.
Joe's eyes, shining with happiness and surprise, met Jim's.
"Where have you been, Jimmy Braddock?"
Griffin was back on his feet, but now Jim was the one moving
with confidence. Braddock rushed forward, throwing punch after
Gould was screaming. "That's it! Send him home. Send him
back South or wherever he comes from!"
The punches didn't stop. They fell like rain on the soup line,
like snow on the Newark docks. Finally, Braddock delivered a hard
right punch and stepped away. The crowd just watched as Griffin
fell forward. He landed on the floor and stayed there.
In the silence that followed, Jim saw Sporty Lewis next to the
ring. The reporter's eyes were big with surprise. The next second,
the crowd went wild.
"I can't believe it!" the radio announcer was saying. "Corn
Griffin, the number two challenger for the heavyweight title, has
been knocked out by Jim Braddock in the third round!"
Before he left the dressing room with Joe Gould, Jim finished the
bowl of food.
"Imagine what I could do if I had steak," he joked.
On their way out, they paused to watch the end of the evening's
main event. The heavyweight champion of the world, Primo
Carnera, was defending his title against a strong, young boxer
called Max Baer. Baer's punch was so powerful that he had once
killed a man in the ring. This was the fight the crowd had really
come to see.
In the last round of the fight, Max Baer's powerful punches
were falling on Camera without end. Carnera fell to the floor.
That's it!" screamed Gould. The little manager started to danceand throw punches in the air."Three . . ." The referee's count continued.Joe's eyes, shining with happiness and surprise, met Jim's."Where have you been, Jimmy Braddock?"Griffin was back on his feet, but now Jim was the one movingwith confidence. Braddock rushed forward, throwing punch afterpunch.Gould was screaming. "That's it! Send him home. Send himback South or wherever he comes from!"The punches didn't stop. They fell like rain on the soup line,like snow on the Newark docks. Finally, Braddock delivered a hardright punch and stepped away. The crowd just watched as Griffinfell forward. He landed on the floor and stayed there.In the silence that followed, Jim saw Sporty Lewis next to thering. The reporter's eyes were big with surprise. The next second,the crowd went wild."I can't believe it!" the radio announcer was saying. "CornGriffin, the number two challenger for the heavyweight title, hasbeen knocked out by Jim Braddock in the third round!"•Before he left the dressing room with Joe Gould, Jim finished thebowl of food."Imagine what I could do if I had steak," he joked.On their way out, they paused to watch the end of the evening'smain event. The heavyweight champion of the world, PrimoCarnera, was defending his title against a strong, young boxercalled Max Baer. Baer's punch was so powerful that he had oncekilled a man in the ring. This was the fight the crowd had reallycome to see.In the last round of the fight, Max Baer's powerful puncheswere falling on Camera without end. Carnera fell to the floor.
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