Social factors at home
Support at home can be another factor in LBP recovery and functional improvement. This is likely a
reciprocal relationship, as LBP can also disrupt family roles and responsibilities, cause stress to family relationships and compromise levels of support. While there is evidence of a detrimental consequence
of LBP on marital satisfaction, partner emotions and relationship quality [34], there are also beneficial
effects of spousal support on LBP coping and function [34,35]. Most of the research on family support
and LBP has focussed on‘ spousal ’communication and emotional support, with a focus on operantconditioning
models whereby pain behaviour elicits a communicative interpretation and reaction
from partners, and this either reinforces or extinguishes pain behaviours [34,36–38]. If pain behaviour
appears to be reinforced by overly sympathetic (solicitous) responses from the patients’ partner or
family, perhaps this issue could be addressed in the lifestyle advice provided by clinicians.
Social factors at homeSupport at home can be another factor in LBP recovery and functional improvement. This is likely areciprocal relationship, as LBP can also disrupt family roles and responsibilities, cause stress to family relationships and compromise levels of support. While there is evidence of a detrimental consequenceof LBP on marital satisfaction, partner emotions and relationship quality [34], there are also beneficialeffects of spousal support on LBP coping and function [34,35]. Most of the research on family supportand LBP has focussed on‘ spousal ’communication and emotional support, with a focus on operantconditioningmodels whereby pain behaviour elicits a communicative interpretation and reactionfrom partners, and this either reinforces or extinguishes pain behaviours [34,36–38]. If pain behaviourappears to be reinforced by overly sympathetic (solicitous) responses from the patients’ partner orfamily, perhaps this issue could be addressed in the lifestyle advice provided by clinicians.
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