source and computationally lightweight, it is reasonably simpleto copy and adapt the game engine to provide such a simulation.Thefirst of these controllers was submitted by Robin Baum-garten, who also posted a videoshowing his agent’s progresson a level of intermediate difficultyonYouTube.Thisvideoquickly garnered over 600000 views, and gave a considerableboost to the publicity campaign for the competition. (A screen-shot of Robin’s agent in action, similar to what was depictedin the viral video, is shown in Fig. 4.) The proficiency of thecontroller as evident from the video inspired some competitors,while dissuading others from participating in the competition.Before the deadline, two other controllers based onhad beensubmitted to the competition, one by Peter Lawford and anotherby a team consisting of Andy Sloane, Caleb Anderson, and PeterBurns. These controllers differed subtly from Robin’s controllerin both design and performance, but were all among the top en-tries. More information about Robin Baumgarten’s controllercan be found in [27].