3.5 Antimicrobial activity of the films with Eos
Table 3 shows antibacterial ratio of LDPE/EVA film. At the target concentration 2% wt, the blended film incorporated with CB was found to be more effective against both microorganisms than the one incorporated with CL. In other words, the actual concentration of CB was at 0.73% wt was proved to be more congruency in term of antimicrobial activity than the one with CL of 1.40% wt. However, the film with SB did not reveal sufficient antimicrobial activity in spite of actual concentration of 2.11% wt. Pure sweet basil oil of 0.2 ml was conducted to prove the antimicrobial activity and found to be highly efficient as shown in Table 3. The antimicrobial activity is ranked in the order as the lipophilicity increase, for example, from a few carbons chain length to six carbons chain length and even more on the phenyl group of the side chain. Theoretically, the lipophilicity of cinamaldehyde and eugenol would be more significant than the one of linalool in SB. It has been known that phenylpropene hydrocarbon such as cinnamaldehyde and monoterpene hydrocarbon such as linalool in these EOs are able to destroy cellular integrity. And therefore inhibit respiration and ion transport processes. Moreover, it was concluded that LDPE/EVA film with CL and CB were more active against E.coli inhibition than S. aureus.