Description. Morphometric data are given in Table 1. Body elongate, compressed laterally towards posterior
region; dorsal profile rising evenly from tip of snout to dorsal-fin origin, then sloping gently ventrad from dorsal-fin origin to end of caudal-peduncle. Ventral profile flat to anal-fin origin, then gradually sloping dorsad from analfin
origin to end of caudal peduncle. Anus and urogenital openings at posterior half of adpressed pelvic fin. Skin
granular, granules more prominent on dorsal surface of neurocranium. Lateral line complete, midlateral in position.
Head depressed, longer than broad, triangular in lateral view. Snout slightly pointed in lateral aspect. Mouth
inferior, lips broad, upper jaw longer than lower jaw, upper lip continuing into maxillary barbel. Oral teeth small,
villiform, in irregular rows, borne on all tooth-bearing surfaces. Palate edentate. Premaxillary tooth-band exposed
partially with mouth closed, teeth arranged in single, broad, semilunate band. Dentary teeth in two crescentic
patches separated at midline by narrow gap. Anterior and posterior nares separated only by base of nasal barbel.
Eye ovoid. Gill opening wide, extending from beneath post-temporal to isthmus. Occipital process not reaching
anterior tip of nuchal plate of dorsal fin. First branchial arch with 2+7 (1) gill rakers. Thoracic adhesive apparatus
well-developed, obtuse, leaf-shaped, with a median spindle-shaped depression; skin ridges present over entire
apparatus, including depressed region. Vertebrae 17+18 = 35 (1).
Barbels in four pairs; nasal barbel arising from internarial septum, just reaching anterior margin of eye when
adpressed; maxillary barbel supported by large flap of skin, extending slightly beyond end of pectoral-fin base;
outer mandibular barbel longer than inner, reaching base of first pectoral-fin ray, inner mandibular barbel short,
slightly less than horizontal length of eye.
Dorsal fin with I,6 (3) rays, inserted nearer to snout tip than to caudal-fin origin, its distal margin concave.
Dorsal spine long, straight and rigid, with anterior margin smooth and posterior margin weakly serrated bearing 4
(1) or 6 (2) serrae. Pectoral fin with I,10 (2), or I,11 (1) rays, extending past dorsal-fin base, almost reaching pelvic
fin origin when adpressed. Pectoral spine broad, its anterior margin smooth, posteriorly serrated, with 11 (2) serrae.
Ventral surfaces of spine and adjacent branched ray of pectoral fin non-plaited. Pelvic fin with i,5 rays (3), first ray
originating at vertical behind dorsal-fin base, tip of adpressed fin not reaching anal-fin origin. Ventral surfaces of
simple ray and adjacent branched ray of pelvic fin non-plaited. Anal-fin with ii,10 (1) or ii,11 (2) rays, its origin
located slightly anterior to vertical through adipose-fin origin, anterior fin margin straight, posterior margin slightly
concave. Adipose-fin base length shorter than dorsal-fin base, its anterior margin straight, inclined at an angle of
about 33° from mid-dorsal line, posterior margin angular. Caudal fin with i,7,8,i (3) principal rays, fin deeply
forked, lower lobe slightly longer than upper.