a b s t r a c t
This study investigated, whether learning from science texts can be enhanced by providing learners with
different forms of visualizations (pictures) in addition to text. One-hundred-two 9th and 10th graders
read a computer-based text on chemical processes of washing and answered questions on cognitive load
(mental effort, perceived difficulty) and comprehension (retention, transfer, drawing). Instruction varied
according to a 2 2-factorial design with ‘learner-generated pictures’ (yes, no) and ‘provided pictures’
(yes, no) as factors. Results indicate positive main effects of provided pictures on all three comprehension
measures and negative main effects on both cognitive load measures. Additional analyses revealed a
mediation effect of perceived difficulty on retention and transfer, that is learning with provided pictures
decreased cognitive load and enhanced comprehension. Furthermore, results show a positive main effect
of learner-generated pictures on drawing and mental effort, but no mediation effect. Taken together,
computer-based learning with provided pictures enhances comprehension as it seems to promote active
processing while reducing extraneous cognitive processing. Learners, generating pictures, however, seem
to have less cognitive resources available for essential and generative processing, resulting in reduced
comprehension. These results are in line with cognitive load theory, cognitive theories of multimedia
learning, and generative theories of learning.