The hard repair sculpture quest of Grade B!
As of now, the level of his Sculpturing skill was in the late Advanced level 4, and his Handicraft was the same.
Understanding of Sculptures hit the Intermediate level 9, and readily able to reach the Advanced stage any moment now.
Since crossing the mid threshold of Advanced level 4 of his Sculpturing Skill, he heard mysterious sounds coming into his ears.
-Please sculpt me.
-I want to see the world.
-If it’s you then you should be able.
-Be strong, c’mon!
Whenever he repairs the sculptures, he would hear these voices.
Not just one of them, he heard several mysterious voices.
“Is this the Vampire’s joke?”
Whenever the voices appeared, Weed would jump upright and turn around, but there was no one.
The Vampire’s Stealth skill, the ability for them to conceal and roam around, especially at night, was incredible.
Weed did not throw that suspicion out even if the visibility of the plaza was as clear as day.
-Me…please sculpt me.
The mysterious voices seemed to be coming from his immediate vicinity.
-Please, do me. Please carve my appearance.
He kept his eyes open and looked around, but there was no visible Vampire.
They have a general tendency to sleep during the day, so there was no reason for any of them to be around.
The vivid whispers seemed to be coming from right beside him.
Occasionally, the voices also sounded ominous.
-C’mon, sculpt me! I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you all!
-Do you want to have power? If so then carve me. Keukeukeukeuk. As a piece, I’ll bring hell to the world.
-You’re angry. Be angry. I’ll do everything to take revenge on those that harassed you.
The dried and wretched men’s voice could be heard.
Having heard dozens of voices in his ears, Weed was annoyed.
“You want me to sculpt what?”
He did not know the identities of the voices to his ear.
They on their own went on and on without a single story asking to be carved just like a herd of children.
As if Weed knew what to sculpt to satisfy their wishes.
“I really don’t know.”
While not having a single clue of what to do, Weed sculpted.
He carved out human beings, men and women.
Having repaired a lot of sculptures, he could produce Masterpieces from his keen perspectives.
However, the unidentified voices revealed their disappointments.
-That’s not it.
-These aspects are not me.
-I thought you were a competent Sculptor.
For a while, there was no sound to his ears again.
Then, midst of repairing the sculptures, they came and whispers.
They want to be carved!
While being afflicted with these, Weed finished repairing all the sculptures.
As reward for the quests, he gathered from swords for Knights, gloves, armors, and a huge amount of loot.
Where one would drop them and nod off, he survives by adapting!
So then, Pale party and the Geomchis were standing before all the works by just one Sculptor.
They were completely overwhelmed.
‘The Emperor of physical labor.’
‘The fallen God of hard work.’
As if she understood something, Maylon nodded.
“The Weed of CoM. No reason why this shouldn’t be the case.”
If the goal is too much; instead of giving up, move your body and solve a bit at a time.
Such continual effort will build up and eventually, the quest will be squared away.
Weed told the party.
“Done. Now I can go along to do them.”
The Geomchis looked away and tried to whistle.
Pale and the party members looked sideways at each other.
‘Pale nim, go ahead.’
‘I’d rather Hwaryeong nim do it.’
‘I don’t want to say that to Weed nim and be hated.’
‘But still, we need to give him an explanation…’
Finally, Pale went.
“Will you go hunting?”
“Yes. I finished preparing. I obtained many ingredients while doing the sculpture repair quests in Todeum. I’m ready to cook. I gained a lot of grinding wheels too. We’ll be ready anywhere.”
While staying in Todeum, Weed had firmly prepared to go to battle.
But Pale broke his expectation and confessed as there was no round-about way to do it.
“Sorry, Weed nim. Actually, we broke all the decent quests.”
Weed’s face contorted.
The face was the worst Pale had ever seen!
Nevertheless, he couldn’t help but to explain.
“We did all the Grade C and D. The follow up hunting quests were easily achieved.”
“What about Grade B quest?”
“We were quite successful with them too…”
“Though actually, there were a few that we couldn’t do.”
“Is that so?”
Weed’s face dramatically lit up. But again, Fail’s voice resonated with depression.
“We were blocked from accepting them. They didn’t become quests because it was essentially from the other side. And several others, the risks were too high. We have had too many of Geomchi nims died, so we gave up cause we couldn’t move any further.”
During the time when Weed wasn’t around, they were hooked on quests.
In exchange for accepting the worrisome Vampires’ commissions, the paid reward and high level quests made them gleeful.
So instead of raising their levels solely through battles, they tend to do quests together as they were twice as efficient.
While receiving quest experiences, Fame, and compensations, their activities were wide spread among the Todeum’s Vampires, and the range of their activities increased.
The quests set the foundation for them with the Vampires! Then there were quests to negotiate with small ethnic groups also!
In between the Vampires’ slumber to awaken period, they had to find new grounds for the groups while avoiding the Vampires to escape their oppression.
Find a safe area for them.
Mapan’s quest was to procure supplies for these ethnic groups.
So within two months, they established a new order at Todeum.
Within the Vampire dominated land!
These minorities cultivate their lives in peace dwelling in caves or forests.
Quests to hunt dangerous monsters, necessities, or lost children were given.
Having already almost exhausted all the quests in Todeum.
And as the situation continually changes, new original quests were given.
The best advantage of Royal Road.
Even now, when there was no quest readily available; until the new order needed to be fully established, no big event will happen right away.