4.4 Carcass characteristics
The insignificant differences in the dressing percentage values observed observed among the experimental treatments are in agreement with who showed that dressing percentage values were not significantly different among rabbits fed heating or boiling M. Pruriens seeds and the control group. Moreover, the dressing perentages obtained were similar to the ranges of 51.6-59.0 and 52.0-59.0 reported by Dairo et al.(2005) burhigher than the ranges of 48.7-49.5% and 52.1-53.4% indicated by Oteku and lgene (2006) and Sobayo et al .(2008), respectively; the variation in resulte could be attributed to disparity in the nutrition, live weight, age, and breeds of the experimental rabbits. The low levels of abdominal fat relative weight without any significant difference among the experimental groups could be related to the higher nutrients utilization of rabbits fed diets containng MSM as for those fed the control diet.