Bothela: "No, no girl. It's the picked spider tongue and then the decayed taproot. Do it the other way, and your cure turns into a poison."
Muiri: "There's just so much to memorize. How am I supposed to remember what goes where for every single herb?"
Bothela: "You will. Until then, you'll taste every potion you make before you sell it."
Bothela: "You should be more careful with the man you pick, dear."
Muiri: "He said he loved me..."
Bothela: "Real men prove their love. Words are as empty as the air they run through."
Bothela: "Stop moping about, girl. Tears won't change what you've done."
Muiri: "I was such a fool. How could I let him use me like that?"
Bothela: "We all get used, dear. It's living with it that makes you a woman."
Muiri: "Bothela, I have a question...."
Bothela: "You want to know a secret of mine, young girl? The most effective poison to kill a man? A potion to make others fall in love, perhaps?"
Muiri: "I was actually just wondering if you had any family...."
Bothela: "Oh. Oh, I see...."
Muiri: "I'm sorry. You don't have to tell me if you don't...."
Bothela: "I have one. A nephew. He's in prison for being a member of the Forsworn."
Muiri: "I'm sorry, I didn't realize."
Bothela: "Don't be. We all make mistakes.