Illustration The (partial) applicability of knowledge creation theory in Russia Andreeva and Ikhilchik (2011) reflect on the extent to which each of the four modes of knowledge creation in Nonaka's SECI model are applicable in Russia. The arguments they present are based on their own direct knowledge of business practices and cultural values in Russia rather than on the collection of any specific research data. To analyse the applicability of the SECI processes to Russia they argue that there are certain societal/organizational conditions, as well as managerial tools/ practices, which facilitate each mode of knowledge creation. They then reflect on the extent to which these conditions exist in Russia. Only part of their analysis is presented here, with the focus being on socialization alone. In relation to socialization they argue that it is facilitated by factors including employees with high levels of loyalty, a willingness among employees to cooperate with each other, organizations which are embedded in collaborative partnerships with other organizations, jobs which allow people to collaborate and share ideas, and good mentoring systems. In terms of employee commitment and loyalty Andreeva and Ikhilchik argue that levels of loyalty and commitment are either low or medium rather than high, due to the levels of job insecurity and economic instability most Russian employees have experienced in the recent past. Secondly, in relation to Russian employees' general willingness to cooperate with colleagues, they also argue that such values are typically limited, with it being more usual for employees to have a competitive attitude towards each other that limits their willingness to collaborate extensively with colleagues. In terms of the extent to which Russian companies are linked into collaborative networks, Andreeva and Ikhilchik argue that this varies significantly between industries, but is typically something that Russian companies are not good at. Finally, in terms of having jobs that encourage collaboration and communication, and the existence of extensive mentoring schemes, Adreeva and Ikhilchik argue that these are both types of work practices that are used to a limited extent. For example mentoring is typically limited to new or probationary employees and experienced managers may be unwilling to share their knowledge and experience with others due to a fear of being replaced by younger employees. In conclusion, they argue that knowledge creation theory has partial applicability in Russia as not all the cultural conditions or business practices necessary to support and facilitate SECI processes exist there.
.... 1. To what extent are the business practices, history, and cultural values that exist within a country likely to affect the extent to which employees are willing to participate in Nonaka's SECI knowledge creation processes?