1. Improvement of outcomes in people with diagnosed diabetes
Identifying and overcoming barriers to translating clinical trial results into improved management of diabetes: health systems, availability of generic medication and technology, health worker profiles, rural-urban migration, cultural beliefs, gender differences, literacy, insurance and equity of treatment
Identifying models for optimal delivery of diabetes care: comparison of different models and assessment of cost-effectiveness
Developing and testing a fixed-dose and low-cost combination pill to manage diabetes and other risk factors for cardiovascular or renal disease
Development of affordable technologies for insulin delivery and monitoring of glycaemic control
Development of heat-stable insulin
2. Population-based primary and secondary prevention of type 2 diabetes
Development and evaluation of broad societal interventions to promote physical activity and healthy diet choices in the general population to reduce diabetes risk
Development and evaluation of low-cost models to translate proven lifestyle interventions to people at high risk (those with dysglycaemia)
3. Surveillance
Development and validation of low-cost methods for monitoring mortality and complications of diabetes in the population
Development and validation of low-cost methods for monitoring quality of care Development of appropriate methods to estimate costs related to diabetes and its treatment A global population-based survey of diabetes prevalence and complications
Follow-up of patients with atypical presentation of diabetes to assess long-term outcomes
4. Comorbidity
Development and evaluation of diabetes-related interventions to manage major chronic communicable diseases shown to be associated with diabetes (HIV, tuberculosis)
5. Diagnosis
Investigation of the use of HbA1c in screening for diabetes and identifying people at high risk of diabetes (impaired fasting glycaemia and impaired glucose tolerance)
Development of simple diagnostic criteria for gestational diabetes
Identification of glucose and HbA1c cut-off points for intervention in high-risk individuals
Development of practical and affordable tools for appropriate diabetes classification at diagnosis to guide management