The current there are so many students and peoples who came from different district lived in muang district of nakhonratchasima province. As a consequence of being a strangers in mung district they had difficulties in traveling and finding a dormitories because of unfamiliar passage in muang district of nakhonratchasima. The researcher has come up with ideas to develop the booking system and gathering the information from the owners of the dormitories and the costumers. The researcher has come up with a solution which is using an application, using PHP language, HTML and MYSQN in managing the system based. The owners of the dormitories can add information about of the dormitories also the booking system. There will be 10 owners of dormitories, 30 customers who will evaluate and there are three section of evaluating. First is the owners section, second is the customers and last is the admin. The result of evaluating is in a good scale (X-=442) and it has overall standard of 0.42, as a result we can conclude that this application can be use in real life.