According to Dewi (2009), although so much water available in a flooding media the ability of plants to absorb
water in most species will decline, proven by the decline of osmotic potential. The decline of potential water not
caused by transpiration increase, because on flooded condition almost all species showed that the decrease in
stomata conductivity (stomata starts to close). At the flooding condition, hypoxia produced by water stress caused a
decline in the absorption of water by roots and the closed of stomata (Sibernsen & Mott, 2010). The rate of
photosynthesis decreased due to the relative changes in stomata to photosynthesis, an increase in water stress caused
reduced chlorophyll resulting in the growth and development plant decreased (Herrera, 2013) .
The chlorophyll content. The pigments chlorophyll play an important role in the process of photosynthesis by
changing light energy into the chemical energy. Solar energy absorbed by chlorophyll and used to decipher water
molecules, forming gaseous oxygen, and reduced molecules NADP to be NADPH. Light energy also used to form
molecules ATP, NADP and ATP used to reactions that produce glucose.
The chlorophyll content in flooding treatment tended to be smaller than treatment without flooding (Rachmawati
& Retnaningrum, 2013). The influence of varieties to the chlorophyll content was presented on Figure 2.