Fig. 1. Effect of source of protein on the evolution of cumulated CH4 emission in the B0 assay (SD = 11.1 mL/g OM). Emission was higher (P < 0.05, except
for day 13) in soybean-based diet than in diets based on sunflower meal and wheat DDGS, which did not differ between them.
again intermediate. When potential CH4 production was expressed on a daily basis, differences among diets followed the
same pattern but did not reach significance.
The evolution of cumulated CH4 emission in the B0 assay is shown in Fig. 1. Emission was higher throughoutthe incubation
period (P < 0.05, except for day 13) in treatment SB than in treatments SFM and WDDGS, which otherwise did not differ.
However, when emissions were expressed per animal and day, no significant differences were observed among treatments.