Do you plan to visit london
There are many English sights to see
dut there are many other sights
sounds and foods too
London is a city with many different groups of people with toods
clothes dances and many other things from around the world
in a visit to London you see the world
The Population of the city london is about seven million
Over two million of these people are from foreign countries
People speak over 300 different languages in London
There is food from than 55 different countries in london restaurants
There is even food from countries such as Tanzania peru and mongolia
At food markets you can buy vegetables and fruits from all over the world
in the neighborhoods of london there are people from many countries with many different ways of living you can go to fesfivals and see different clothing and dancse
london is a center fo world music
There are music stores dance clubs and radio stations here
london has music from around the world and people make new kinds of music here too
Bhangra music mixes the sounds of Punjabi music with popular European and Afican music
it is now populae worlwide