In this Section, we first shortly introduce some basic
concepts of the adopted methodology. Then, the selected
Goal Oriented Requirement Engineering (GORE) tool is
described. Successively, the KAOS method is presented in
its fundamentals. Systems Design has become the basis for
designing any device, integrating product-centred approaches
and services or process-approaches in what is known as
a systemic view. Therefore, any device intended to have
an operational coupling with a final user (a characteristic
from “services”) has to face a design process in which
requirements are modelled and analysed beforehand. If hardware
and software have to be integrated, modern approaches
based on Model Driven Engineering and SysML modelling
language could be used to combine static object-oriented
design with process design. This process could be based on
Petri Nets or other schematic formal representation. A complex
product such as an exoskeleton should be considered
a cluster of sub-systems responsible for specific behaviour
which contributes to an overall goal.