He put the letter in his pocket and drove to the south of the city.He wondered how Muriel could feel safe living here,among these dark streets full of rubbish and young men drinking out of brown paper bags.He turned onto Singleton Street.
He found number 16,got out of the car and climbed the steps.
He opened the screen door and took the letter from his pocket.
'I've got a gun,'Muriel said from inside the house,'and I'm aiming it exactly where your head is.'
His heart started beating very fast.Her voice sounded level and accurate-like her gun, he imagined.' It's Macon,' he said.
'Macon?' The inner door opened a little. ' Macon,what are you doing here?'
He gave her the letter
She took it and opened it, using both hands.(There was no sign of a gun.) She read it and looked up at him
he saw he had done it all wrong