Definition and Characteristics of HISB
CHISB is the intended behavior of an individual
to satisfy perceived needs for health information
(Johnson, 1997). Therefore, passive searching for health
information, such as accidental exposure of media or
scanning, is not regarded as HISB (Shim et al., 2006).
HISB is connected with various individual and contextual
elements and influences population health status in a
mutually interdependent manner. Various information
channels, mostly classified as people (e.g., healthcare
provider, family, and friends) or media (television, radio,
newspaper, book, and magazine), are included in the
process of HISBs. Often, plural channels are employed to
verify the adequacy of the information collected (Muha,
1998). Meanwhile, the use of the Internet has rapidly
increased due to the easy access to a vast information pool
it provides (Viswanath et al., 2007). In fact, two thirds of
adults in the U.S. use the Internet as the main source of
Definition and Characteristics of HISBCHISB is the intended behavior of an individualto satisfy perceived needs for health information(Johnson, 1997). Therefore, passive searching for healthinformation, such as accidental exposure of media orscanning, is not regarded as HISB (Shim et al., 2006).HISB is connected with various individual and contextualelements and influences population health status in amutually interdependent manner. Various informationchannels, mostly classified as people (e.g., healthcareprovider, family, and friends) or media (television, radio,newspaper, book, and magazine), are included in theprocess of HISBs. Often, plural channels are employed toverify the adequacy of the information collected (Muha,1998). Meanwhile, the use of the Internet has rapidlyincreased due to the easy access to a vast information poolit provides (Viswanath et al., 2007). In fact, two thirds ofadults in the U.S. use the Internet as the main source of
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