The followings are the response of Watahan for my inquiries on their support on acqisition of H grade qualification.
1. Watahan have briefly explained to me on th course of appraisal
practice through their experience, referring the manual and check
points as per attachment.
Remarks: Sorry, language is Japanese, not translated yet.
According to Mr. Yaginuma, he opines that the contents of these documents
are quite normal and standard.
He added also that he had tried, at Ital Thai Dev. era, to reset every
ITD's system to meet Japanese H grade one, with co-work of ITD's staff every days.
Watahan have proposed me to drop you on the way to others in middle Feb,
if you require further detailed explanation.
2. About despatch of the qualified engineeres, 4-8 persons, they have commented that
they have actually faced the difficulties in keeping engineers for their domestic projects.
Also now they have headache about how to allot their engineers to their own project in Myanmar
where are under developing.
I found they were not in a position to share us the required numbers of engineers, specially in
early part of this year.
Such being a actual situation, I have asked them to continue to study in looking for qualified persons
even lesser. and also recoomend the retired engineers for us, for which they promised me for further study.
I'm now planning to go Japan to push Watahan and also talk other sources of retired persons soonest.
please, let me know your opinion.
3. About your supply of welding engineers to Watahan for assistance, they basically welcome your supply
so that they may overcome their long-run basis lack of workers in Japan with substitution by longer stay
of persons, not rotation, which may not be satisfied with your requirement.
I'm ready for talking with you at any time for further proceeding to be taken.
With best regards.
K. Ichikawa