1. Stage 1 –
Head, Shoulders
Knees and Toes
To introduce body parts with a well-known song.
This enables children to learn, do and say at the same time.
• Before singing the song see how much they know by simply putting your hands
on your head. They should copy you!
• You say ‘head’. With a sweeping gesture show them that you want them to repeat
together. They should repeat. You say ‘Good’. Continue for all body parts from
the song.
• If possible have the children stand in a big circle or two lines with enough room
between the two to bend down and touch their toes while they listen to and sing
the song.
• The first time just they just listen. Then they can join in with actions, then the third
time they can sing and do.
Some may want to sing and do before, some may not want to join in at all. Both
extremes are to be expected. The latter child will probably want to join in as the song
continues so don’t force them to begin with. Many song books/cassettes have this song.
My personal favourite is available on DVD or video from the Early Learning Centre. It’s a
video of children doing the actions, singing the song with the words on the screen. It’s
called ‘If you’re Happy and You Know it’.