(Y/N) thoughts were interrupted as his phone burst into song. Quickly pulling it out of his pocket and placing it against his ear, he said, “Hello?”
”Dude. Something is totally up with Raven.”
Recognizing the voice immediately, (Y/N) grinned.
“Beast Boy! It’s been a while! How have you been?”
”Totally fine bro… but… again… something is seriously up with Raven. I don’t know. She hasn’t left her room in forever. I checked just two minutes ago and I found out that she wasn’t even IN her room! She is somewhere else entirely! I feel like she might be in trouble or in a big mess. Who knows… I just thought… well… you are her boyfriend aren’t you?”
“Of course. Why do you sound so skeptical though…?”
”Well I found this picture of her hanging out with another guy and… well… they seemed pretty close. All in all I reached this one conclusion dude… Raven might be cheating on you. Being the bro I am, I decided to tell you first.”
“Cheating… on me?” (Y/N) repeated. Firstly, that didn’t seem like anything Raven would ever do... but then again he hadn’t seen her in a while… and perhaps that was the reason why? No. How dare he doubt Raven!? Raven’s always stayed just as loyal and faithful towards him as he had been towards her!
”I think you should check it out anyways.”
(Y/N) ran a tired hand down his face as he looked up towards the setting sun.
“Alright. I’ll find her. Wherever she is.”
After all…. She still needed some explaining to do.
"Why would she cheat on me though...?" (Y/N) wondered aloud. "Am I not good enough?"
That was assuming she was off with some other guy and...
Maybe it was just Beast Boy playing a practical joke on him? A prank?
Then again that could just be wishful thinking...