Science and technology.
Science refers to knowledge obtained by observation and research from phenomenon. Nature and science organized access refers to knowledge or experiment proved right the truth category. There are rules and procedures summarized as universal rules, meaning sataeffod Renner and science that science must involve direct experience with tracing or natural phenomena, observation and data collection with science and requires action.To interpret the data that was collected by using the rational method. In addition, science must. There is a creative attempt to describe and understand the nature and the environment by scientific summaries is the quest for truth about nature in a way that there is no reason to understand nature, and nature has a happy and creative college degrees.Sot is the subject of education, knowledge about natural living and non-living, such as the relationship between the various components in natural condition or conditions are changed by time and conditions, stimulate internal or external conditions. Scientific study aims to systematically seek out observations. The assumption proved with scientific processes, such as the assumption of experimental analysis. On the Foundation of reason, knowledge or facts that can be a particular theory because if it is proved he is still the same, science facts, is the source of the intelligence, knowledge levels, basic and applied technologies is a process or method.Each tool has taken on scientific knowledge and science mixing for other application or applications to benefit mankind, they are useful and appropriate the specific time and place additional economic, sacred stories niche means summary, watchara's technology is knowledge subjects check box.Below consists of the knowledge, expertise and methods that can be used to provide the mission with high efficiency. Typically, they have the technology, scientific knowledge is included, that is, the science of knowledge, technology, bringing knowledge to use in practice, technology. Bringing scientific knowledge to create a tool, or a different method, so the technology consists of hardware and software.