There were researchers [24] indicated that the goal of
learner-centered is active exploration, construction, and
learning rather than the passivity of lecture attendance and
textbook reading. According to [24], people learn best when
engrossed in the topic, motivated to seek out new knowledge
and skills because they need them in order to solve the
problem at hand. The major theme is one of focusing
education around a set of realistic, intrinsically motivating
problems. Students work to solve these problems, often in
groups, often in overextended periods of time. They might not
even notice they are undergoing instruction and learning, for
the education occurs naturally in the course of activity. In our
study, we want to make students engage in game-based
learning and motivate them to do active learning. Therefore,
the concept of learner-centered need to be integrated in our
instructional design. We should provide a controllable learning
environment, so that students can learn according to their
preference. In addition, giving some problems is required, that
may motivate students to find out the solution and would like
to learn actively.