1. Cover, page 3 & 4: Please make sure the subtitle 'Good Practices and Lessons Learnt by an Indigenous Peoples Organisation' is all the same size and the correct letters are uppercase as they are here.
2. page 4: Please check the fonts and sizes for consistency, in particular, the publishers details and citation suggestions.
3. Page 10: please include the heading 'How?' above the diagram.
4. page 14: At the end of the first paragraph, please change (UNFPA) to (UNFPA 2008)
5. Page 21: Please include the title for the table 'Abortion'
6.similarly, page 22, the title should be: 'Work'
7. page 23: 'Domestic Violence'
8. page 24: 'Property'
9. page 25: 'Constitution'
10. page 26: 'Other'
11. page 38: Could you please seperate the 'achievements and challenges of the secretariat' and the 'achievements and challenges of the programmes' - perhaps by using a text box or highlighting? Likewise, please highlight the 'Lessons Learnt and Recommendations' section on page 39.
12. page 39: Please include the title on top of the table: 'AIPP Partners Participating in the Survey'
13. page 41: as with comment number 11, please highlight 'Lessons Learnt and Recommendations' so that it stands out against the 'Challenges on the Ground!' section
14. Page 46, Gender Mainstreaming Survey: I feel that it's a bit messy. Is it possible to number the different questions here so that it's a bit clearer? Or perhaps put a space between them? Like this: