The impact of AEC membership
In the next two years Thailand country will be one of the ASEAN EconomicCommunity (AEC). The AEC born from a combination of 10 member countries componentwith Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore,Vietnam and Thailand. And of course, that the liberalization in the field. these. Inevitablyaffect the country as a member of the AEC. Which will positive and negative impact manymember countries of AEC Community. So, There are three reasons about the effect of AECto membership country.
First, The market and production is unity base, together with the movement of freedomin five areas : goods, services, investment, capital and skill labour between member statefreely to building opportunity to expand trade and services increased. The facilitation of tradeand investment To facilitate tourism in the region and the mobility of professionals,entrepreneurs, business professionals, and skilled workers.
Second, Strength competitive capabilities. Development of transport infrastructurelinking the countries. Will cause the new economy and prosperity to the area of the crossingand the path that connects the country. To prepare about Structure basic for support Economicgrowth and other adjustment. such as creating transportation system and logistic, build theroads and railways, creating building commercial, river and environment developmentFinally, Born the Social, ethnic and cultural diversity more. The AEC will have to political, economic and social relations in the region increased. Populution in the region areeven more near together and interact more. So, will be have prepare about study to Social andCivilization of the member countries ASEAN. For example, study about local culture anddiversity religion, local production, lifestyle and traditional of population in member countriesof ASEAN Community
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In summary, The adjustment for the member of the AEC Community will becomeissue keystone of the development the this region. Because, integration of ASEAN EconomicCommunity or AEC upcoming full year 2015 will impacts the many country, So thegovernment, entrepreneurs and investors should study the effect and collaborate in adapting toaccommodate. Because, integration of ASEAN Economic Community or AEC upcoming fullyear 2015 will affect the many country, So the government, entrepreneurs and investorsshould study the impact and collaborate in adapting to accommodate. Whether it is the policy The development of quality products and services. The policy of environmentdevelopment. Develop the skills of the personnel. Support the good quality of life of population will occur in the future.