Oil yield ¼
Oil collected ðgÞ
Mass of coconut waste ðgÞ
100% ð1Þ
Solubility measurement of oil in hexane was conducted in a
closed jacketed reactor and the mixture was mixed continuously.
The reactor was maintained at different temperature, controlled
by a RC (LAUDA) water bath. After 30 min, an aliquot of supernatant
solution was extracted into a sample bottle, weighed to obtain
the solution withdrawn. After distillation and evaporation of solvent,
the weight of oil was determined. Oil solubility in petroleum
ether and hexane was measured.
Density measurement was carried out using DMA 4500 density/
specific gravity meter (Anton Paar, Austria). The adjustment of the
density was measured three times using distilled water at temperatures
15, 20, 30 and 40 C to obtain the mean values and the
uncertainty was ±0.00001 g cm3