Education harmless from the drugs. With the purpose to study the toxic hazard from drugs to study the effects of drugs, and to study the effects on various levels, such as on the community level. The family and the nation, with the method of education: how to start Web sites and collect data with summary of study results.
From the study it was found that the country faced with a drug problem, Thailand, both in terms of production areas. As the trade is spreading, and it is through drugs, with the main problem drugs are heroin marijuana methamphetamine opium. Volatile Ek-Ta-Sy and cocaine drug effect on some object types as production areas. At present there are a large number of addicts. Especially the addiction of youth group than the other group and the team is concerned about are spreading to children ages 9-10 years old students, cause it might be persuaded to try drug friends, curious. He wants to try to be tempted and another major reason is the lack of warmth in the family. Problem parents divorce each other, adults are not interested or care as children. Hoa hue children failing to consult does not know anybody at all to turn to drugs or suffering, he wants well fit.