Since an organic light emitting diode (OLED) with
high-e$ciency was reported by Tang and VanSlyke in
1987 [1], many reports have been published until today.
Research and development these days expands its activity
from the basic emitting mechanisms and materials to
the wider technologies towards #at panel display applications,
for instance micropatterning method for the cathode
of OLED [2]. In 1997, we had introduced a world's
"rst monochrome OLED display con"gured by 256]64
pixels to the commercial market [3].
In recent years applications aiming at a full color
OLED display also shows steady progress. Prototypes
have been demonstrated or reported by more than several
research organizations each of which took a di!erent
approach to the fabrication. For example, the "rst approach
used white OLEDs with color "lter arrays as the
backlight of the LCDs [4]. The second one used blue
OLEDs as light source with #uorescent color arrays
named color-changing media in order to obtain RGB
colors [5]. The third approach employed patterned lateral
RGB emitters which we adopted this method to
make a full color display [6].
Furthermore, there are other methods such as stacked
RGB cell [7], color changed emitters by photo-breaching
[8], ink-jet printing of doped polymer emitters [9], and
so on. But in fact, they all have both advantages and
We have developed a full color OLED display by
adopting a selective deposition method for the patterning
of RGB emitters. We think this method has higher capability
than other techniques, because RGB cell structures
are the most suitable for enhancing both color purity and
luminance e$ciency by using the optical interference e!ects.